Library History
Friends of Oak Lodge Public Library
A look back at the library's history and timeline:
What happened to the Oak Lodge Community Library Advocates?
Dec., 2018 -- The Joint Concord Property and Library Planning Task Force and the Gladstone Library Planning Task Force begin holding monthly meetings.
July 12, 2018 -- Clackamas County announces the formation of a joint Concord Property and Library Planning Task Force to evaluate proposed uses of the former Concord Elementary School site and its efficacy as a future location for the new Oak Lodge Library.
May 15, 2018 -- Gladstone voters approve Measure 3-530, which provides for necessary charter amendments in order to implement the library agreement between Clackamas County and the city.
Oct. 12, 2017 -- Clackamas County Commissioners unanimously agree to a proposed settlement approved by Gladstone last week that provides for a two-branch solution with a smaller library in Gladstone and a larger library for the unincorporated Oak Grove/Jennings Lodge area.
Feb. 2, 2017 -- The North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District (NCPRD) and the North Clackamas School District (NCSD) enter into a strategic partnership that includes a property swap of NCPRD-owned Hood View Park in Happy Valley for NCSD’s Concord Elementary School in Oak Grove and Lake Road Administration Building in Milwaukie, along with proceeds from NCSD capital bond funds.
Sept. 28, 2016 -- Clackamas County files its brief in response to Gladstone’s lawsuit, rejecting Gladstone’s breach of contract allegations and reiterating its position that Gladstone violated the IGA, thus nullifying it and the County’s obligation to provide the requested funds.
Sept. 4, 2016 – The Capital IGA between Gladstone and Clackamas County was terminated.
Aug. 22, 2016 – Gladstone sues Clackamas County for breach of contract.
Aug. 10, 2016 – Clackamas County responds to Gladstone’s letter dated June 21, denying the request for funds based on its earlier position that Gladstone had violated the IGA.
June 21, 2016 -- Gladstone submits a letter to the County requesting the transfer of $2.5 million within 60 days. Conditions stipulated in the County’s 180-day IGA termination letter are neither addressed nor resolved.
April 8, 2016 -- An ad hoc group of citizens that had been meeting to discuss library issues names itself "The Oak Lodge Community Library Advocates," or olcla. The group begins meeting weekly, writing letters, testifying at meetings and conducting public outreach on behalf of an expanded Oak Lodge Library in the heart of the community.
March 8, 2016 – County sends letter to Gladstone City Council rejecting the requested funds and questioning Gladstone’s commitment to meeting the IGA requirements. The letter gives Gladstone 180-day notice of the County’s unilateral right to terminate the IGA.
February 2016 – Gladstone sends Clackamas County a request for $2.6 million in support of its Portland Ave. library/city hall plan. Opponents point out that Gladstone, unlike other "Library Cities," is committing $0 city funds to build its library. The requested monies are from County funds dedicated for Oak Lodge Library capital improvements, along with unspent reserves from Oak Lodge Library Service Area taxes set aside for the Oak Lodge Library, which has not been able to expand its services due to space limitations.
November 2015 – Gladstone proposes building new combined City Hall/Library complex on the site of the existing Portland Avenue City Hall. Ballot measure 3-471 passes, authorizing construction and debt necessary to finance a new City Hall and Police Station on separate parcels of land. Oak Lodge and Gladstone Library District funds, and Oak Lodge reserves, to be used to pay off long-term debt.
November 2014 – Gladstone voters pass Ballot Measure 3-446, authorizing a new much smaller library on Portland Avenue in downtown Gladstone and prohibiting use of any city funds.
​March 2013 – County Administrator requests immediate return of remaining $1.5 million of original $2.5 provided in support of the now rejected Webster Road project.
May 2012 – Gladstone citizens vote “yes” on ballot measures 3-394 & 3-395, which require a public vote before incurring debt or spending $1 million or more on Gladstone Library or any other public buildings.
November 2012 – Gladstone voters reject ballot measure 3-413, authorizing $10 million Webster Road library.
April 2011 – Gladstone Planning Commission rejects plans for the $10 million, 19,000 sq. ft. library on Webster Road, despite $1 million having been spent on project plans.
April 7, 2011 – City of Gladstone signs a Cooperative IGA between Clackamas and The City of Gladstone (aka “Capital IGA”) agreeing to build a new Public Library located at 18235 Webster Road. County contributes $2.5 million to Gladstone solely for library “capital” purposes.
August 20, 2009 – Gladstone signs a Cooperative Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Library District of Clackamas County and Member Cities (aka “Master IGA”) to become a “Library City” responsible for providing library services to Oak Grove/Jennings Lodge/Oatfield unincorporated citizens.
November 2008 – Clackamas County voters pass Measure 3-310, approving a library assessment of .3974 per $1,000 of property value.
The ad hoc citizen group the Oak Lodge Community Library Advocates (OLCLA) held its last meeting in March of 2018 after reaching its goal of "ensuring the Oak Lodge Library remains imbedded in the heart of our community."
OLCLA members donated countless hours of time advocating on behalf of the library, including meeting for two hours every week for from April 2016-March 2018, writing letters, giving testimony, conducting community outreach, hosting public meetings and events and lobbying elected officials.
Former OLCLA members continue to ensure the full implementation of Measure 3-310 as participants on numerous committees, task forces and boards, including Friends of the Oak Lodge Public Library, the Clackamas County Library Board of Trustees, the Library District Advisory Committee (LDAC), the Concord Property and Library Planning Task Force, the Gladstone Library Task Force and others.
OLCLA Vice Chair Stephanie Kurzenhauser testifying before the Clackamas County Commissioners.
OLCLA took over the July 14, 2016 CIA (Citizens Informed & Aware) Meeting at the Oak Grove Fire Dept. to fill citizens in on threats to the Oak Lodge Library.
OLCLA member Thelma Haggenmiller prepares informational packets for the July 14, 2016 CIA-hosted Library Issues Public Forum.
Thanks to Pastor Heather Riggs, OLCLA hosted an outreach booth at the Oak Grove United Methodist Church Neighborhood Picnic, July 31, 2016.
Youngest OLCLA member and logo designer Bela Kurzenhauser displays his work at the United Methodist Church Neighborhood Picnic.
OLCLA members Grover Jeffrey Bornefeld and Chips Janger look on as speakers discuss library topics at July 14, 2016 forum.
OLCLA member Noah Kurzenhauser testifies before the BCC about the need for expanded youth programming at Oak Lodge Library.
OLCLA members, led by Vice Chair Stephanie Kurzenhauser, outlined reasons to reject Gladstone's Portland Ave. library/city hall plan at a July 14, 2016 community forum.
OLCLA members packed the Clackamas County BCC budget hearing to testify about library issues.
Librarian Mitzi Olson and other volunteers staff the booth
Library supporters Pat Kennedy and Lisa Bentley talk shop
Leslie Shirk checks on one of her carniverous plants - a popular Garden Tour raffle item
Stephanie Kurzenhauser and Bob Zimmer talk library issues with supporters in the booth
OLCLA members Chips Janger, Jan Lindstrom and Curt Kurzenhauser
OLCLA Vice Chair Stephanie Kurzenhauser wows the crowd at the CIA Forum on Library Closure Issues with stats challenging Gladstone's plans.
Clackamas County Commissioner Paul Savas gives his view of current library issues.
OLCLA on one of the group's numerous library tours to study sites, buildings, funding sources in preparation for the new Oak Lodge Library.
Santa made a special visit to the OLCLA Holiday Party, where supporters gleefully snapped photos with him.